Monday, May 26, 2008


Reading in community helps provide extra angles of insight into a given text.  Communal reading helps lift us from the errors of our hearts and eyes, and also provides a wider angle lens for reading the text at hand.

This blog has been created as a means of providing a handful of interested individuals a chance to delve into "Mere Christianity."  The "Century's Best..." list that the late 90's spawned found "Mere Christianity" at the top of many lists.  While books, like life, emerge out of context this book has continued to be engaging to many beyond the 1940's British setting in which it was written.  

Without doubt certain parts of the book show conversations that Lewis was engaged in during his time.  Most notably is Book 1 and it's rebuttal of the then influential movement of atheistic logical positivism.  However, given the renewed place of atheism in cultural conversation even this portion of the book continues to be a valuable aid in thinking through these matters.  Regardless of whether you think Lewis succeeds in this (or any particular) argument Lewis is worth reading.  For even where Lewis's argument may fall short he is nonetheless a very helpful traveling companion on almost any ideological journey, helping to clarify and provide points of insight often left unconsidered until conversing with Lewis.

Welcome to the conversation.  May we all benefit.  May we use every last ounce of our minds in thinking carefully about who God is and what he is calling us to be both for his sake and ours.